Thursday, March 15, 2012

Simple Is Best

A little bit of simple from Little Bit Funky...painted wooden spoon handles.

Crystals wrote on her blog: "I just knew my wooden utensils were meant for greater things. I gathered them up, scuffed the shiny ones a little with sandpaper and painted myself a rainbow. Once they are dry they will be coated with a layer of food/baby/people safe shellac. I used regular non-toxic craft paint and was sure to keep my painted area pretty far from where it would come in contact with food on a regular basis."


Colorful after!


  1. What a super cool, and 'simple' idea!!!

  2. well thats just amazing....I am in awe...doing with the garden tools is not going to be enough now!

  3. Ahh I love it! Totally makes the utensils 10x's more fun to cook with :)


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