Sunday, September 23, 2012

It's Here, The Fall Issue of House of Fifty Magazine!

I am delighted to announce the Fall issue of 
House of Fifty is now live!

Click here to read.

To start the issue, Rachel Parcell is seen interpreting the chic rooms of 
Interior Designer Amie Corley into some fabulous outfits. 

Following is an interview with Fashion Designer Emerson Fry, 
and I'm simply smitten with her shoes! Have you seen?

And as seen on the cover, Interior Designer Mayme Baker
opens her home to House of Fifty readers. You're in for a visual feast.

And speaking of feasts...towards the back of the issue we've got some delicious recipes, 
all with the idea of the power food has to affect our moods. 

And that is just a little sampling of what we have in store for you.

A heartfelt thank you to all the contributors, 
designers and photographers 
who worked on and submitted materials for this issue. 
I really can't tell you how lucky I am to work 
with these talented people!

To read click here.

To download on the iPad click here.

For a print copy & all other mobile devices click here.

Enjoy and share with a friend! 


  1. This was a delightful edition & the cover home was amazing...allways love everything you do!

  2. If you think Linda`s story is unimaginable,, two weaks-ago mom in law worked and got paid $6112 workin a thirteen hour week from there apartment and they're neighbor's step-mother`s neighbour done this for three months and got a cheque for more than $6112 parttime from there laptop. follow the tips on this page...


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